This test measures the portion of your blood that is made of up red blood cells.
This test uses a machine to check for abnormal levels of various substances in the urine (e.g., glucose (sugar), blood, and protein).
This test includes an examination of a urine sample by sight, dipstick (paper strip) and microscope.
This test measures the amount of protein in a twenty-four hour urine sample.
This test measures the amount of hemoglobin (a protein that carries oxygen) in your blood.
This surgery uses small instruments and a camera to make the stomach smaller and limit the amount of food that can be eaten.
A laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a type of weight loss surgery that uses small medical instruments and a camera to make the stomach smaller.
A sleeve gastrectomy may be done to help someone lose weight before having a more extensive type of weight loss surgery.
Some benefit plans may provide coverage for weight loss surgery if you meet certain requirements and/or receive prior authorization. Please review your coverage documents and/or call the number on the back of your ID card for more information.
Weight loss surgery is not a cure for obesity. It is just one of the tools used to enhance weight loss. Certain lifestyle changes are necessary for weight loss surgery to be successful. Some lifestyle changes include:
Prior to considering weight loss surgery, you should know your BMI, or Body Mass Index. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website has an online tool to help you determine your BMI. An example of criteria commonly used to determine if you are a candidate for weight loss surgery includes:
Before any weight loss surgery, you will meet with a dietician and mental health provider. The goal of these visits is to teach you about the significant lifestyle changes you must make for a positive outcome. Prior to surgery, tell your healthcare provider about any medications you are taking (including over-the-counter medications and supplements). Ask about specific instructions you should follow before surgery. These may include:
If you are a smoker, you should quit smoking. It can interfere with your recovery.
During your surgery, you will receive anesthesia to keep you comfortable and pain free.
If there are no complications to your surgery, you may stay in the hospital for about three to five days.
Prior to going home, make sure you understand:
Pain medication and help at home will be needed while you recover. Your surgeon should let your primary care physician know the details of your surgery and treatment plan.
What should I ask my healthcare provider before having weight loss surgery?
Do not forget to make arrangements for transportation to and from the facility.
Source helps consumers determine the average cost of common medical procedures in their location. By gathering and analyzing data from leading insurance providers across the US, patients can compare the estimated price of common medical procedures to determine their approximate out-of-pocket expenses. All rates are approximations and not guarantees based on data that is available to the consumer. There are currently 638 procedures available in our database. These results and the information contained within should in no way take the place of actual medical advice.
Do not avoid getting health care based on the information on this site. Not affiliated with any insurance provider, hospital, or medical professional. Prices are just estimates based on available data, and may vary based on plan, state, and provider. For informational purposes only.