View the Lowest Price for Gallbladder Removal - Open Incision in Tampa, FL

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Kindred Hospital Central Tampa

4801 N Howard Ave

Tampa, FL 33603

Kindred Hospital Tampa

4555 S Manhattan Ave

Tampa, FL 33611

Brandon Regional Hospital

119 Oakfield Dr

Brandon, FL 33511

Memorial Hospital Of Tampa

2901 W Swann Ave

Tampa, FL 33609

Tampa Community Hospital

6001 Webb Rd

Tampa, FL 33615

Adventhealth Connerton

9441 Health Center Dr

Land O Lakes, FL 34637

H Lee Moffitt Cancer Ctr & Research Inst

12902 Usf Magnolia Dr

Tampa, FL 33612

Morton Plant North Bay Hosp

21808 State Road 54

Lutz, FL 33549

St Josephs Hospital

3001 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd

Tampa, FL 33607

St Josephs Womens Hospital

3030 W M L King Jr Blvd

Tampa, FL 33607

$33,326.00 helps you compare the current rates on Gallbladder Removal - Open Incision in Tampa, FL. By analyzing data from leading insurance providers practicing in Tampa, FL and across the US, patients can compare Gallbladder Removal - Open Incision costs in Tampa, FL to determine their approximate out-of-pocket expenses with insurance. All rates are approximations and not guarantees based on data that is available to the consumer. Comparing these results should help provide a starting point for speaking with your healthcare provider.

Do not avoid getting health care based on the information on this site. Not affiliated with any insurance provider, hospital, or medical professional. Prices are just estimates based on available data, and may vary based on plan, state, and provider. For informational purposes only.